Sunday, December 5, 2010

Something i made.....

"I'm a tree that grows hearts 
One for each that you take 
You're the intruder hand 
I'm the branch that you break"

Thursday, October 21, 2010



The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule or ethic of reciprocity is a maxim,an ethical code, or a morality

  1. One should treat others according to how one would like others to treat one's self (positive form, active voice)
  2. Treat others as you would like to be treated (positive form, passive voice)
  3. One should not treat others in ways one would not like to be treated (negative/prohibitive form, passive voice; Also called the Silver Rule)
  4. Do not treat others in ways you would not like to be treated (negative/prohibitive form, active voice. Also called the Silver Rule)
The Golden Rule has a long history, and a great number of prominent religious figures and philosophers have restated its reciprocal, bilateral nature in various ways (not limited to the above forms).
The Golden Rule is arguably the most essential basis for the modern concept of human rights, in which each individual has a right to just treatment, and a responsibility to ensure justice for others.A key element of the Golden Rule is that a person attempting to live by this rule treats all people with consideration, not just members of his or her in-group. The Golden Rule has its roots in a wide range of world cultures, and is a standard which different cultures use to resolve conflicts

* --Be scared of Karma-- *

**SO DONT BE A HALF-WIT think of what you do to others!**

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

A Murderer's Confession

True!-nervous, very, very dreadfully nervous i had been and am, but why do you say that im mad? Listen and observe how i calmly tell you the whole story.

It is impossible to say how first the idea entered my brain; but once, conceived it haunted me day and night. Motive i have none. I love the old man. He had never wronged me. But it was his eye. One of his eyes resembled that of a vulture-pale blue eyes with a film over it. Whenever it fell upon me my blood ran cold as i resolved to rid of the eye forever.

You fancy me mad? Mad men know nothing. You should have seen how wisely i proceeded. I was never kinder to the old man than the whole week before i killed him. And every night about midnight, I turned the latch of his doors ( oh so gently for the hinges creaked), put in a dark lantern and thrust my head. But i found the eye always closed so it was impossible to carry on my plan.

On the 8th night i had my hand in, my thumb slipped and he cried "who's there?" I waited very patiently then I undid the lantern cautiously so that a single thin ray fell upon the wide vultures eye. Now there came to my ears a quick sound- the beating of the old man's heart. The sound grew quicker and quicker. I thought the heart must burst. The old man's hour had come!

In an instant I dragged him to the floor and pulled the heavy bed over him. For many minutes the heart beat on with the muffled sound. At length is ceased. The old man is dead! I hid him inside the flooring of the chamber. As the sounded 4'o clock, there came a knocking at the street door. Three officers of the police they were deputed to search for the premises. I smiled for what had i to fear, I bade them search- search well.

They found none and were satisfied. My manner had convinced them. Then i felt myself getting pale and wished them gone. I fancied a ringing in my ears. I grew pale. The sound increased yet the officers heart it not. Why should they not be gone? The noise steadily increased. Oh God! What could i do? I swung the chair open upon which i have been sitting, but the noise continually increased. It grew louder-louder-louder! and still the men chatted pleasantly and smiled.

They heard! They suspected! They knew! They were mocking my horror. I can bear those hypocritical smiles no longer. I felt I must cream or die.

"Villains! I shrieked, :" I admit the deed, tear up the planks! here! here it's the beating of the old man's heart!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

October 2, 2010 Search for Mr. and Ms. HCHS

October 2 2010 was a big night for the chosen Mr. and Ms Holy Cross High School Contestants. It was a thrilling night for the candidates. We all tried our best to reach what we can achieve. Some cried, Some felt happy. I felt happy and contented, because i think that i tried my best and i gained exposure and experience. After all those days that we practiced I think i can rest now haha :)


Saturday, September 4, 2010

A day of fun

As i woke up in 3:00 a.m in the midnight i was so excited because its already our educational field trip. I already packed my things before the field trip. Our assembly time was 4:30 and lucky to know there was no one left! :D i was on van # 10 and accompanied by Ms. Magadan. As we travel we prayed the holy rosary first then, we were quite at first but as hours passed by we talked to each other and sang songs. Its very cold when we travel going to our destination. then, we stopped over a market to go in the necessities. haha ^^ then we traveled again. some slept some ate but me i stayed awake :)) our first destination was the pope23rd and carmelite monastery we took our breakfast in there and took pictures roamed around the place. I find the place good and cool. Because of its calmness, quietness and the different kinds of florals and trees i have seen. All i have seen there is interesting. They have nice views and a nice chapel for you to meditate. Then after that we traveled again and gone to kaamulan grounds. its is a big place and has a cute office of tourism and a wood-made house or so called "rest-place" for the natives. we roamed around that place but for a short time only. Then after that we have gone to sangguniang panlalawigan its like a small court. where the officials meet there and make new regulations for the province. Our speaker there is Atty. Eliseo R. Libed .Then we have gone to BSU (Bukidnon State University) there we met many friends and its a very big school with different kinds of departments on buildings. It was fun meeting them.  San Isidro college is our next destination. It is a good school and also a clean school. then we have gone to RR spring resort and when we have gone there its so hot like the sun is talking to us! But we find the RR spring resort beautiful. Its has many pools in different kinds of feet. there we find a private pool. And statues of animals and more.We also saw a big river and i dont know what it is called :) then the long awaited place of the Sophies! the waig spring resort hahaha^^ they where so excited to swim even though they didn't took their lunch! i was to excited. Some of my classmates already change their clothes in the van. They where hyper. They tried the slide and the spring board. But i didn't because i dont know how to swim. i heard that Kirby had drowned and Ortiz saved him haha.But well its fun even though we were given a small time to swim. Then after that we have gone to crystal sugar milling were we learned how the sugar is produced :). We have taken a tour to the factory  and i saw my classmates where laughing during the speaker was speaking because she has a funny accent i know shes ilonggo because i can understand her and rjlyn too. our last stop was CMU (Central mindanao university) We just roamed around the school because we dont have time but there are different kinds of buildings for college courses. then we bound for home. We also stopped over to buy mangosteene, lanzones, rambutan and more in the streets. Its so much fun. But i hate it because we weren't able to go to the transfiguration chapel. It was a fun and tiring day for the sophomores and a day to treasure again.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

My Inspiration ^^

Its normal that we all have crushes, it develops when we grow up.What does a crush mean? a crush means the person that you idolize.It's not bad that you have a crush its normal.If you dont have a crush means you dont care or your abnormal....JOKE :). Well i too have a crush he studies at Holy Cross High School and he's section is St.Cecilia. He's tall,has long eyelashes,brown eyes and skinny.He dresses like an emo.But yet, he's simple.  I like him because he has strong charisma and im a victim of it. Everytime i look at him im always strucked and day dreaming and i dont know why. im also fascinated of how he handles and drives a motorcycle.But i know that driving a motorcycle is very dangerous in our early age.He likes color green,blue and black and he also knows how to play the guitar :). Sometimes people judge him because they said he's bad, naughty, has many pimples and boastful, But for me i didn't find that characteristics in him. I think theres a little bit of kindness left in his heart i dont judge a person by it's appearance i judge them of how good are they i look more of what's inside of them. Its useless if you have beauties when you dont have brains. We idolize a person who is good at something.For example, Justin bieber we idolize him because at his early age he's already a star and also has the looks and we idolize him because he's good in singing and dancing. Some of the people criticize a person who is ugly but inside he has a talent or something to show on. Like my crush they mis-concept of what's he's appearance but they dont know whats inside of that person. Better not to judge a book by its cover because we dont know what's inside of it :D

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Why do i love SUSHI!

sushi,sushi,sushi! is a delicious delicacy of japan! why do i love sushi?
I love sushi because i love the sashimi inside of it and the seaweed rapping! second, its because i like seafood!
they are not really full cooked but half-cooked..there are many kinds of sushi's yeah they differ haha ^^ but what i like most in all of the sushi's is the "B.C ROLL" why do i like b.c roll? because it gives a distinguishing's sweet (because of the sauce!) haha ^^ and because it has CUCUMBER! hahaha i like cucumber! yeah! \m/

sushi will not be complete without wasabi! yeah! what i really hate about the wasabi is when i put a very small amount of wasabi in my sushi. The wasabi is like bitting my tongue it bites because of it's spiciness.hahaha


Saturday, August 7, 2010

PROBLEMATIC IMAGE (yes,its stolen!)


AGNESIAN ako? eh ikaw?



-->it doesnt mean na kung (dumb) yung isang you have to laugh at them.
-->it doesnt mean na kung di sila marunong magbasa they dont have a chance to learn
-->it doesnt mean na kung panget sila you have to laugh at there faces
-->it doesnt mean kung less fortunate sila mananaway ka
-->it doesnt mean na kung nice ung outfit mo(branded pa!) mag boboast ka!
-->kala mo ikaw lng maganda....maganda nga panget naman ugali! wla rin hmmmmm!

-->why do you have to do this when all they need is help!
(GIRRRLLL PLEAASEEEE)! stop acting like you are someone! (sa matatamaan lang)

Kung wala kang magawa sa buhay, ito ang dapat mong gawin->

- Kumanta ng kahit ano.

- Sumayaw nang walang music.

- Gumawa ng sariling music video na hairbrush ang gamit na mic.

- Manghuli ng bangaw.

- Kausapin ang sarili.

- Makipaglaro sa ipis.

- Makipag-usap sa daga.

- Umakyat sa bubong at sumayaw.

- Kumanta ng malakas sa labas ng bahay.

- Magpanggap na baliw.

- Kumain ng alikabok.

- SUMINGHOT ng ALIKABOK(kinsai naigo ani??)

- Mag-imbento ng pagkain para sa mga baboy.

- Kumain ng sili.

- Makipagkwentuhan sa alagang pusa/aso


Perfume "Punch" ^^

One day, a lady was roaming around the mall. She was finding a perfume that she can use for the party

a man appeared and said:
-salesman: ma'am do you want to try our new product? The perfume "punch"
it will give a you a strong beat, every time you spray!

*the lady scratched her head and was happy*

the lady asked:
-lady: is it fragrant?
-salesman: yes it is ma'am
-lady: how much does it cost?
-salesman: its free ma'am!

the lady was very happy when the salesman told that...

-salesman: do you want a sample ma'am?
-lady: sure! 

-salesman: okay ma'am here you go ^^



-----that's the perfume "PUNCH"---------

My Autobiography ^^

I started history on July 11, 1996 that's the time that my mother released me from her womb. I was named Reimary Benedict C. Opeña which means Benedict, Because it's St. Benedict's feast day when i was born. My mother and my father teached me how to walk and to talk and took care of me. When i grow up, they sent me to a good school in Taft, Avenue manila which is Santa Isabel College. I enjoyed my grades 1 to g in there and achieved consistent honor through grade 1 to 6. We had a good time there in manila, As i spent my childhood years there. I left my friends and bestfriends because my mom decided to relocate here in bukidnon. So my mother resigned early and we are so busy packing our things. When i was on the airport and ride on the airplane, I cried. Because im going to miss everyone and my hometown. And when i got to the city of Cagayan which is the city of golden friendship i was amazed because there are lots of trees and mountains. I enrolled at HCHS and met new friends. As of this days now im a 2nd year student. Happy and Contented ^^. This is my autobiography!